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Thermal temperature testing is an important tool to an overall response to keeping workplaces safe. They provide a non-invasive method to check body temperature, can do this at faster, more accurately than hand-held scanners and at a greater (potentially safer) distance. The deployment of these solutions in a location may even encourage positive behaviour with staff more likely to stay at home when they are unwell with a fever. Thermal body temperature solutions are a tool that can support the identification of a key symptom of disease. They can help organizations identify people showing these symptoms, however it is important to note they do not diagnose or treat COVID-19 or other viral diseases.

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Thermal Technology

A thermal temperature monitoring solution typically encompasses a hybrid thermal camera that combines a Vanadium Oxide (VOx) sensor with a visible-light sensor. Most thermal cameras measure temperature to an accuracy within 1.0° C of actual, adequate for industrial or typical surveillance applications, but monitoring human temperature requires a higher level of accuracy.

A thermal camera uses a thermal imager, essentially a heat sensor, to detect small differences in temperature. These cameras collect the infrared radiation from objects in the scene and create an electronic image based on information about the temperature differences. A special lens focuses the infrared light emitted by all of the objects in view, and in turn, is scanned by a phased array of infrared-detector elements. The detector elements create a detailed temperature pattern called a thermogram in about one-thirtieth of a second. The camera obtains this information from several thousand points in the field of view of the detector array. A circuit board with a dedicated chip then translates the thermogram into electronic impulses and sends the impulses to a signal-processing unit. The signal-processing unit sends the information to the display, where it appears as various colours, each colour based on the intensity of the infrared emission. The combination of all the impulses from all of the elements creates the image

Our Solution

Our Comprehensive solution, offers, that are the highest level of accuracy available.  The system includes a blackbody calibration device that maintains a customizable constant temperature as a reference point for the thermal camera.   In addition, we have network data storage (NDS) to provide storage for video and temperature data as well as face detection technology.

A blackbody is a physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence. It not only absorbs radiation but can also emit radiation. The name “blackbody” refers to the function of the device to absorb radiation in all frequencies, not just specific ones. Because of these characteristics, a blackbody device is a desirable calibration source for thermal imaging-based temperature measurement systems. The blackbody functions as a calibration tool and becomes a target object with a precisely known and controlled temperature. This precision is the basis for accurate calibration of infrared pyrometers, increasing the accuracy of thermal imaging equipment. A blackbody at a constant temperature emits electromagnetic radiation called blackbody radiation. This constant temperature is important in external human temperature measurement where accuracy to0.3° C is advised by many international standards organizations.

Our solution also involves Network Data Storage with face detection capability. the face detection capability to add to the accuracy of our system. Accuracy is core requirement of any thermal system is to deliver accurate measurements. In many applications, however, it is not practical to interrupt the flow of people and have them stop at a predetermined spot in order for the system to take a reading. This is a common limitation of handheld thermographic systems, which impede the flow of visitors. One way to increase efficiency is to use face detection as a filter, allowing only temperature measurement of detected faces and nothing else. This capability has several benefits. For one, it can allow for simultaneous readings, as the system only has to focus on faces for measurement. Second, it helps minimize measurement of non-human heat sources, like a cup of coffee. Our system can detect and measure up to thirty faces in the same camera view. Finally, this allows for measurement even when a face is partially covered by a mask or glasses. The images below are snapshots of actual thermal camera video that show human temperature measurements under these circumstances: 1) person wearing glasses and a mask, 2) person wearing a mask, 3) person holding a hot beverage, and 4) person wearing a helmet.

Note: Convert to C

Technology is not enough

As is often said the tool is only as good as your ability to use it.  That is why the Backwoods XXX system is much more than just technology. We provide personalized and customizable solutions to meet individual location needs:

Deploying a thermal imaging system for human temperature measurement poses several challenges:

  • Thermal Drift Compensation
  • Temperature verification
  • Location changes
  • Layout planning
  • Permanent vs temporary
  • Volume considerations
  • Access Control
  • Questionnaire data collection

Backwoods XXX will work with our client to design and implement the solution that provides the maximum confidence and efficiency.

There are two general approaches our mass screening s and stand-alone systems:

Mass Screening

Involves the design deployment and management of our high-speed thermal imaging technology supported by our Proprietary 3 stage protocol.


  • Containment
  • Deterrent to individuals with undiagnosed symptoms of fever
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Reassurance to all
  • Portable and self-contained
  • Experienced support team
  • Quick set up and deployment


Our stand-alone scanning can be deployed where our mass testing system may not be the required approach. We can deploy an experienced team of screening technicians and medical team support as necessary n for secondary screening in conjunction with our stand- alone screening system. Our stand-alone system is also supported by our Proprietary 3 stage protocol.


  • Focused on the individual
  • High accuracy
  • Follow up screening as required
  • Flow control
  • Can be performed anywhere

Proprietary 3 Stage protocol

Based Provincial and national health standards and designed in conjunction with Public Health professionals, Occupational Health and safety professionals and Epidemiologists our protocol ensures best practices in the implementation of our system as well as ensuring maximum safety and accuracy

Note:  work with CS on an infographic

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